10 Tips For Plant Care During Winter
Winter Floral Care
We’ve all experienced the harshness of winter. Even layered, limbs go numb with the chill of Jack Frost crawling along you, runny nose, watery eyes, chapped skin and frozen toes. Now imagine facing these environmental factors with no clothes, no warm circulatory system and you can't move. Definitely not the best time for flowers or plants unless its a plant that thrives in the winter. Here are some tips on saving your beautiful delicacies in harsh cold weather.
1. Taking care of sensitive summer plants
The summer plants tend to die during winter because of the intolerance towards the cold weather. You can always put in an effort to save them by removing their debris, taking them indoors or simply by covering them.
2. Clean up the garden floor
Fallen leaves and dead plants can cause disease or pest growth. Dispose the waste appropriately or use it for compost or to develop manure.
3. Avoid heavy soil
In winter, it is always a wise decision to incorporate the well-drained soil for a better winter home. In the fall, the heavy soil tends to be heavier because it freezes and defrosts.
4. Wrap up the shrubs
Winter brings cold chills with its arrival. Wrap your delicate shrubs like roses or tree peonies with paper or burlap (fabric made from jute) to protect them from the winter wind.
QUICK TIP: Leaving the wrappings on until early spring can allow the plants to begin their growth before they are able to maintain it.
5. Proper sunlight
Plants need sunlight to survive and grow. The delicate plants that you keep indoors require sunlight too. Expose the plants with proper sunlight. Keep them near windows or doors.
6. Preparing the plants
You should prepare your plants in advance by spreading a new layer of mulch during winter. This technique helps to feed the plants in upcoming seasons.
7. Choosing the right containers
For the plants, containers can make or break their game. In chilly weather, the pots should be well insulated and should be able to resist the frost.
8. Roses need that extra care
We all love roses! With Valentine's Day right around the corner, you might want to pay close attention to this. These beautiful flowers need to be protected from the harsh cold weather for their survival. Provide proper care and attention to the plants to make it bloom into flowers.
9. Spray water to the delicate plants
The indoor tropical plants which thrive for humidity should be provided with light mist for proper growth or maintenance.
10. Get rid of weeds
Weeds can grow even in the winter. For a clean and healthy growth for your garden, keep a consistent eye on weed growth. Control the weed using lawn equipment or hire a professional.