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3 West 51st Street
New York, NY, 10019

(212) 871-8758




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The Elegance of Orchids: NYC's Favorite Bloom

Tara Bajakian

The Elegance of Orchids: NYC's Favorite Bloom

Nothing says timeless elegance quite like orchids. These graceful blooms represent beauty and sophistication, making them the perfect choice for both gifts and decor. At Columbia Midtown Florist, we pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of orchids for NYC delivery. From delicate Phalaenopsis orchids to vivid Vanda varieties, our expertly designed arrangements add a modern touch to any space. Whether you're decorating your home or selecting an exquisite centerpiece, our NYC orchid delivery ensures that these breathtaking blooms arrive in flawless condition.

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Columbia Midtown Florist | 3 West 51st. Street, New York, United States, NY, 10019 | Phone: (212)-871-8758